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Celebrate 1st Semi-annual Hire-A-Businesswoman Week with IVWCC

From: user 2.
Sent on: Thursday, August 16, 2007, 3:20 PM

Hire-A-Businesswoman Week: A Week of Mentoring, Coaching, Networking, & Resource Sharing for Established Business & Professional Women

The International Virtual Women?s Chamber of Commerce will present its first semi-annual Hire-A-Businesswoman Week September 17 - 21, 2007 for women who have been in business for 5 or more years that are looking for business support and new clients to guide their company through the growth and expansion stages. 

First 50 Women-Owned Companies to Register Will Be Included in Special Directory Given to Attendees

Hire-A-Businesswoman Week will offer business and professional women a week of online power networking.  They will receive personal business development and business relocation advice while learning about the women in business market in some of the major US
metropolitan cities.

Hire-A-Businesswoman Week is the ultimate business event for women looking for ...
  • Real strategies to remodel their companies from the inside out to get on the fast track towards building a multi-million company;
  • Ways to green their business and save money by utilizing virtual resources;
  • Mentors to help them implement high-profit business strategies;
  • New markets to tap into;
  • New clients and partnering opportunities;
  • Virtual employees to ease their workload;
  • Business capital to expand or purchase commercial property;
  • Continual business education information to improve their skills and move their business forward;
  • Commercial and residential real estate resources to smoothly relocate, secure funding, accelerate the sale of their properties, and more 
Purchase a one day pass for only $35 or a full week pass for $75.  Visit for more info.  If you invite two friends to participate, your name will be put in a drawing for a 5 minute showcase during Hire-A-Businesswoman Week.

Jerrilynn B. Thomas, CEO
International Virtual Women's Chamber of Commerce
Skype:  womenschamber