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WWL-4 New Orleans and WDSU-6 Covers Our Rally Tonight

From: Susie L.
Sent on: Saturday, March 23, 2013, 2:00 AM

WWL-4 New Orleans Covers Our Rally Tonight.

I want to thank Johnny Rock for providing the venue in front of C.Beevers for us tonight. I want to thank all those for coming tonight. Many did not get to come because they were out working on set of these films for night scenes. I want to thank Tania Dall for covering us.

Many Producers, Filmmakers, Crew, Actors, and Extras and families and friends attended.

Our next one will be set up in Baton Rouge as our Baton Rouge Meetup Meeting for Tuesday April 9.

I want to welcome and thank our Don Lincoln for coming back and is restored to health.
