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Filmstock Needs Your Votes!

From: Member ID: #.
Sent on: Saturday, August 10, 2013, 1:00 PM

Filmstock Film Festival, closely related to Rebel Filmmaker, is getting some recognition! 

Movie Maker Magazine has designated Filmstock as a finalist for the "Top 5 Coolest Short Film Festivals" in the world! In order to claim this title, we need to win the vote for our voting pool!

The link to voting is here:

Navigate to the bottom of the page, and you will see five rounds of voting pools, four festivals pitted in each of the pools. We are Pool #4 (there are tiny white-transparent arrows to help you navigate; to vote you will either need to verify with your facebook account, e-mail or MovieMaker magazine account).

This would be a huge win for Filmstock, Arizona and independent filmmaking in the Southwest! 

I'll see you all at the celebration (when we win!)!


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