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From: Ryan P.
Sent on: Monday, December 30, 2013, 10:39 AM

Hey Rebels!

I am working on a film-related project am in need of a few interns. No pay, but this is a great opportunity to observe and participate in the developmental process from the ground up on a very exciting project, as well as possibilities of networking opportunities with industry professionals. Interns (of both kinds listed below) will answer directly to me, but will interact with the entire production team on a regular – as needed - basis.

We are looking for a couple different kinds of interns, of which participation will possibly be needed over the course of the next few months. With the exception of the regular meetings (listed below), we will work with your regular schedule on any assigned tasks and deadlines.

Would need to be available for meetings every other Sunday evening at 7:30pm in the Mesa/Tempe area (can possibly attend by video-conferencing if needed). Dedication/attendance is top priority. Attendance at these meetings is detrimental to your participation in the project. The next meeting is scheduled for 1/12/14.

Must be willing to take on and execute several different kinds of tasks, at both the menial and top-priority levels (everything from taking meeting minutes to helping as needed with video production, etc.), many of which will be deadline-oriented.

We need at least 2, possibly more of this type of intern.

We are looking for someone with an excellent understanding and participation in/of current social media trends and sites. This person will help develop and maintain the projects’ social media, under close direction of the projects’ production team. As mentioned above, this person would need to be available for the standing regular meetings as well.

If you are interested, please contact me directly at [address removed] and put INTERN as your subject line. Details will be provided as the selection process moves forward.

Peace, love and movies.
Ryan Pierson

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