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Learn Ruby on Rails at General Assembly

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 23, 2011, 10:06 AM
Learn  Ruby on Rails from top practitioners at General Assembly.
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Ruby on Rails / General Assembly Certificate Programs / Starting January

Produced in partnership with:

Pick up Ruby.

In partnership with Pivotal Labs and Engine Yard, General Assembly is offering two intensive programs in web application programming using Ruby on Rails, one for people familiar with programming and another for total beginners.

Regardless of your skill level, we have a course that will let you learn the Ruby language and Rails framework in a social, project-driven environment.

Coders, Apply Here »
Non-Programmers, Apply Here »

Learn Skills and Best Practices.

In Ruby on Rails for Programmers, those with experience working in another programming language will learn the key concepts and best practices of Ruby on Rails through collaborative work on an open-source project. In an intensive, six-week program, developers will cover topics including the MVC architecture, NoSQL databases, test-driven development, and relevant APIs. Through an open-source class project, students will build credibility in the developer community while gaining experience in collaborative development best practices.

In Introduction to Web Development, those with no prior web development or programming experience will learn the key concepts of both front-end and server-side web application development, including HTML, CSS, Ruby, Rails, and Javascript. Through the collaborative in-class development of an interactive mixtape application, students will be introduced to programming logic with Ruby in the context of the Rails framework, in addition to learning the basic structure and syntax of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Whether you are an entrepreneur seeking to implement your ideas for an online product, a product manager seeking to expand your skill set by understanding the fundamentals of Ruby or general computer program development, or a tech enthusiast considering a career change, these courses will provide invaluable, applicable learnings from accomplished developers and experienced instructors in the field.


We hope you'll join us.

The GA Team

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