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Dutch Functional Programming day

From: Matthijs O.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 4, 2012, 11:41 AM
Dear members of Cross Functional Amsterdam,

Bas Lijnse asked us to forward the following invitation:

The next Dutch Functional Programming day will take place on January 11,
2013, at the Radboud University in Nijmegen.

We hope that you will come.

You can administrate yourself by sending an email to Bas Lijnse:
[address removed]

As usual, there will also be a dinner afterwards.
Hence we like to know whether you will joint this dinner.

In case you want to give a presentation please send title, speaker and
abstract to [address removed] as soon as possible.
We will collect the proposals and try to make an interesting program out of

Further details will be placed on the site:
https://wiki.clean...­ and sent out to this mailing list.

Greetings, hoping to see you all,

Bas Lijnse and Rinus Plasmeijer

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