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Re: [freemasons-8] Join our own social network

From: Erin
Sent on: Monday, May 12, 2008, 5:20 PM
I would be happy to help you moderate and jazz up the new social network.
Erin Baskin| Email: [address removed] |
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Michelle Mitchell <[address removed]>
Hey guys,

I created a social network for the meeting offline movement ....In person and outside of meeting in a social climate as friends.

Please spread the word. I am doing so many things , I only created it so If someone would like to step in and it take over as it builds momentum please let me know.

What I need is a better description and need some content added, photo , discussions , all that jazz.

Right now it's open but as we get more members in it will be closed to invite only.

Let me know what you would like to do , I didn't create it for me but as another tool for us all to use.


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