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Re: [furries-290] Bowling Meet - When Furballs Strike IV

From: Christofur
Sent on: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 2:08 PM
I am glad "Jeromy Stone" <[address removed]> has decided to rejoin the
community.  We can use more of his insight.  I challenge him to get
together with the South Sound furs and make that awsome cosmic bowling
party happen. With all of the behind the scenes effort required to pull
this off, he too will be able sit tall in the saddle of his horse.  Good
Luck on this Jeromy.

KIJANI - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE set up another Lynnwood Bowling party. 
Great furs.  Great fun.  Great facility.  Great location.  and did I say
Great furs!  Don't sweat the fees - they really aren't that much.  And
thank you for the previous parties.

PS - fursuit ice skating? - INSPIRED!

- Christofur (Shiny and Sparky)

> Seems kinda bullshit to me. Someone else comes up with the idea for the
> bowling meet, and wants it to be local to them, yet you (Kijani) just
> kinda take control and decide to make it far away from where the original
> poster wanted it to be. Just because you organized ones in the past does
> not mean that you have the right to take over every single one. Let
> someone else have some damn spotlight. How would you feel if you
> originally posted that you wanted it near you, then someone else chimes in
> and says that they will take over, says it will be somewhere FAR from you,
> and then everyone agrees. I restate again, it's bullshit. Get off your
> high horse. I am reminded of why I quit this group in the first place.

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