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RE: [furries-290] Halloween Photo Gallery

From: ChaosReign
Sent on: Thursday, November 1, 2007, 6:52 PM
I took a lot? (44) photos last night and am going through them as I type this. I'll zip up all the good ones and send them over to ya shortly. The only pics I got of the Char/Quattre/Zeebo/Scruffy group were the group photos at the end of the romp. Oops.
I did get you pretty much being mauled by that mass group of kids though. It was totally hillarious. ^_^


--- On Thu 11/01, Michael < [address removed] > wrote:
From: Michael [mailto: [address removed]]
To: [address removed]
Date: Thu, 1 Nov[masked]:13:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [furries-290] Halloween Photo Gallery

The photos that Drew took last night have been added to the gallery at
If anyone else was shooting photos that night, I'd love to add them in. (In particular, the Char/Quattre/Zeebo/Scruffy group - So sorry that I only caught you at the end)

Sending a .ZIP file works well, if there's more than 1 or 2.

After a day or two for everyone to look the pictures over, I'll link them off the Meetup site, for the internet to see :)

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