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Membership Payments for January.

From: Steve D.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 9, 2013, 10:44 PM
Hi All

We still don't have our paypal back - so have lost a lot of subscription payments for members while it's been down (you won't have been charged if you pay by paypal - but we have no way of getting it automatically back).

If you normally pay by paypal could you PLEASE pay us by bank transfer (details at for january payments that were due on 1st Jan (also December if you didn't pay that).

We currently don't have our sponsorship money in (another thing we are waiting on) so without your membership fees we actually won't be able to  pay our rent.

Thanks for your understanding and continuing support. Great Arduino hacking session tonight - we now have a really good crew of regular hackers on Wednesday nights - plenty of stuff being done which is always good to see - please come and use the space if you are a member, it's a great place to hang out and share with like-minded people.


Steve Dalton, President & Co-Founder
Gold Coast Tech Space
Shop 4, 21 Nind St, Southport, Q 4215
+61 [masked]
+61 [masked]

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