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Museum morgen Abend- for your information

From: Dianne R.
Sent on: Thursday, October 4, 2012, 11:27 AM
From the New Britain Museum of American Art:   First Friday  Center Stage Jazz

October's First Friday will feature Center Stage Jazz, directed by John Abrucewicz. Vocalist Beverly St. Onge will be singing songs such as The Lady is a Tramp and Nice Work If You Can Get It. Numbers such as Hay Burner, Swingdom, and Monteca will also be performed. The group is a program of the Plainville Wind Ensemble, a local conglomerate of enthusiastic and talented musicians.

First Friday >>

Center Stage Jazz  October 5, 5:30-8 p.m.  $10 Members / $15 non-Members
$3 Beer and Wine

Along with the sweet sounds of jazz, the Museum will also be filled with the aroma of local German cuisine from East Side Restaurant. A New Britain favorite, East Side will be providing German meatballs, wurst selections and sauerkraut for guests to experience. Andre's Waffloons will be included in the tastes of the night with their samples of sweet Belgian waffles. City Steam Brewery will bring on the brews with a refreshing beer tasting.