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Today and a specially fun Sat. Night Details

From: Member ID: # 2.
Sent on: Friday, September 7, 2012, 10:02 AM

Hope you have had a great week.

Sat. Night will be a very fun and special night.

Come on a my house, my house a come on, I'm gonna show you a real good time. I'll mix everyone a Peach Bomb (peach puree, Sunny D and Vodka) and after that you're on your own for alcohol. If you want to bring some munchies to share that would be welcomed. I'll give a demonstration of my long-arm quilting machine and give you the twenty-five cent tour of the place. Everyone is welcome and it's O.K. to bring a friend. Smiles,  Verda She lives by Patterson and 29 Rd. The address will only go out to those that have RSVP'd Please RSVP she she can plan. Bring some snacks to share & let's have some fun. Tonight, Happy Hour at Naggy's Then join in the fun at the dance class. 7:00 pm They do a great job on showing the steps and walking through them. There are always a lot of people there and it's fun. Only $10 and then you can stay after as many do to practice. I'm ready to kick up my heals. Hope to see you this weekend. Ron cell [masked]

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