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Tonight and next couple of weeks + a party!

From: Member ID: # 2.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 18, 2013, 9:13 AM

Hope your week is going well.

Join in tonight for the launch of the new Compass. The more people we have the more conversation and feedback we can learn from. Yes, Kathy and I will be there. Looking forward to it. Help kick off the first of the new series.

There are a lot of up coming events. Please RSVP to help the Hosts and Organizers plan. We usually have twice as many show up than that RSVP. Please help by letting them know if you plan on being at an event.

If you would like to Host (organize and event) an event or have an idea for things to do, please let us know.

Jeri is planning a very special and big up coming party. I hope you will attend. Stay tuned for details.

Earl and Kaycee are planning a game night-YAHOOOO!!! it's time to pass the trophy. They have held the title longer than any body in the group(hehehehe).


Always feel free to contact me or any of the organizers if you have an idea or question.

Thanks and take care





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