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NYJavaSIG - Dec 19 WED 6:00-8:30pm - ROCKING THE GRADLE

From: Frank G.
Sent on: Thursday, December 13, 2012, 11:27 PM

Tired of dealing with the rigidness of Maven?  Need something more modern and flexible yet compatible with Ant and Maven?

Pete Walker, senior technologist from Gradleware introduces the power of Gradle through many real-world examples with heavy usage of demonstrations. By the end of the presentation, you'll understand how Gradle helps to elegantly solve the challenges that we face in our daily builds. We'll go through such powerful concepts as: advantages of declarative over imperative build systems, convention over configuration without rigidity, the Gradle plugins, deep multi–project support, performance optimizations through partial builds and incrementalness, harvesting existing functionality through Ant and Maven integration, as well as migration strategies for migrating from these build tools. We will demonstrate many of the innovative goodies that come with Gradle out–of–the–box, like the Gradle Daemon, the Gradle Wrapper, easy administration of your build environment, building Android apps and libraries, Eclipse integration, and other new plugins.


Where: Credit Suisse, Colello Auditorium, 11 Madison Ave, NY, NY
When: Dec 19, 2012   6:00-8:30pm   (6-6:30pm pre-meeting refreshments)

Closing the year out with Holiday fun with Gradle!

Frank G
 - NYJavaSIG Chair

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