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Invitation to HCC-2012

From: Diyanat A.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 21, 2012, 1:55 PM

We are seeing tremendous response to Hyderabad Climbing Championship
from all around India. We receiving ton of phone calls everyday about
participation requests. We are all set to host the competition with
several world class climbers wanting to get their feet on granite. I
take this opportunity to update all our members.

The Hyderabad Climbing Championship HCC - 2012 Event is an initiative
under the leadership of Ranga Vutukuru, Co-Organiser GHAC and is
supported by IMF - South Zone, Society to Save Rocks and Petzl
India(Allied Petzl). All Climbers and volunteers are set and waiting
for the D-Day with full enthusiasm.

I take this opportunity to invite you with friends and family to
attend and witness the Hyderabad Climbing Competition 2012 at
Shamirpet. To help our members to reach HCC venue, we have also posted
a meetup at https://meetup.gha...­ to car pool or bus
to Shamirpet. All you have to do is RSVP and get your place blocked
with a small payment transfer or CC payment.

This being a unique event, please use this opportunity to also get
acquainted to Natural Bouldering by joining our clinics on the day of
competition. Free clinics will be hosted by climbers to give you a
better overview of how to  get started with climbing. Please RSVP at

You are welcome to bring along your family, friends and colleagues to
experience this unique event.

Diyanat Ali
Founder & Chief Organiser | GHAC

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