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Reminder: August 17 Outreach Day

From: Tim D.
Sent on: Thursday, August 15, 2013, 6:17 PM

Reminder: August 17 Outreach Day
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Reminder: August 17 Outreach Day

Come out to help support the Libertarian Party locally


Hey Libertarians and Friends,

Just a reminder, we will be getting together in Charlotte on August 17th.  Our plan is to make phone calls to interested folks in Mecklenburg and Cabarrus counties to help grow our local organizations.  If you've never made calls for a political party before, no worries, we will provide a script and some training before you get started!

If you plan on attending, do note, we had to change the location so we will no longer be at the Fox and Hound restaurant.  We will instead be at a private office.  RSVP by replying to this email and I will send you the address.  We plan to start promptly at 9am.  We look forward to having you join us!

Check out our website: For information on candidates, recent news and upcoming events, check out our website at

Ready to Register Libertarian? Did you know, since January of 2012 the number of registered Libertarians has increase 70%!  Updated your voter registration today with the State Board of Elections.  The form can be accessed here

Contact us at [address removed] or
Copyright © 2013 Libertarian Party of North Carolina 8413 Morrell Ln Durham, NC 27713. All Rights Reserved.
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PAID FOR BY THE North Carolina for Gary Johnson 2012.

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