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New Event: Ending the Rat Race!! RE Investors Luncheon at the Old Spaghetti Factory

From: user 3.
Sent on: Thursday, April 5, 2007, 12:33 AM
Announcing a new event for The Seattle/Bellevue Real Estate Investing Meetup Group!

What: Ending the Rat Race!! RE Investors Luncheon at the Old Spaghetti Factory

When: Thursday, April 19, 12:00 PM

Event fee: USD11.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Join us for our next Investors Luncheon Briefing at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Downtown Seattle. This is a can't miss investors briefing - a great opportunity to learn how to become an investor and meet our successful investor team members!

We help investors learn everything they need to know about building a business, including: creative acquisition strategies, creative financing, foreclosures, legal strategies, tax strategies + investing in Buy & Hold, Short Sales, Wholesaling, Rehabbing and much, much more.

For those looking for extra income, we also have opportunities to work with our Marketing and Sales Team. If you are entrepreneurial, interested in running your own business and have a passion about becoming successful in the Real Estate industry, then come join our team!

This Luncheon has limited seating and is invitation only. You must RSVP online at in addition to A limited menu is available for those who attend.

Visit us Online at for more information!

Learn more here:

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