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Big Data London User Group Offer

From: S&S Media - Shona M.
Sent on: Thursday, August 16, 2012, 11:11 AM
If you haven't yet checked out Big Data Con London, be sure to check out the great speaker line-up and tell us what you think at

We've enlisted some of the brightest minds in the big data ecosystem, including Doug Cutting, Uwe Friedrichsen, Bruce Durling, Tim Berglund, Lars George, Nikita Ivanov and Brendan McAdams, to present technical and methodology focused content.

If you're a developer, software architect, database pro or IT Manager for whom processing, storing, analysing and acting on ever-increasing volumes of data is an integral issue, Big Data Con London will have something for you.

We'll be delving into the enormous challenges that the DATA revolution has thrown up at technical and strategic levels.  We will look at the generation of technologies that has developed to help us deal with those challenges.  And we will be determining how we can get the right solutions in place to create clarity, efficiency and innovation.

As a member of Hadoop User Group UK meet up group, you can get discounted tickets for Big Data Con London by entering the promotion code BDC12UG when registering.

Hope to see you there.

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