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What do you think about Hadoop? Spark? or even Cheese?

From: Dan H.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 9:16 PM

So the tube strike was annoyingly cancelled in the end, but the good news is that we're all set for the event next Tuesday without a disturbance!

In the mean time, we want to try out a new way for us to gather feedback from meetups and try to extend the discussion beyond the evenings. State where I've been working the last two years is launching next month. We're a global opinion network which we can use to see what we all think about the talks, topics and more. Before the launch you can use this invite to sign up and try it out:

During next Tuesday's event I will be sending around links to bring together discussion on the talks and topics of the evening meetup. If you want to get involved then please sign up before then. We also have a iOS app you download once you are registered to use State easily from your phone.

See you all next Tuesday.


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