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Re: [ia-55] Win a Ticket to Attend DAQRI's Premier 4D Conference & Exposition on Thursday, February 20th (tomorrow)

From: Crystal E.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 10:03 PM

The two UX peeps highlighted in yellow at the bottom of this email won't be able to attend the awesome DAQRI 4D event tomorrow. So, instead these two lucky folks will be able to take their place. Congratulations!
  1. R. Chilton
  2. M. Nickle
Best, Crystal
Hi Folks,

The following peeps will receive a free ticket to attend the DAQRI 4D Conference starting tomorrow at 10AM. Please allow yourself extra time for the drive and to find parking.

Congratulations to:
  1. M. Noble
  2. N. Selisker
  3. V. D'Aleman
  4. J. Bustos
  5. M. Dichter
  6. S. Catford
  7. D. Chen
  8. C. Nicholls
  9. J. Schell
  10. T. Ferrari
Best, Crystal

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