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From: Antonio
Sent on: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 8:36 PM

Clara, one of our most loyal members needs a DP. 

Hello everybody!

We have a webisode ready to be shoot, all we need is a DP with own camera and mic (we have lights already) to collaborate with us.

We have a funny script, good actors and a great location, now we need you!!

The series will be posted on youtube and aired on the BCAT and MNN channels, great chance for exposure and getting great footage for your reel. 

We'll most likely enter the final products to contests as well. 

Since it's only 6 two-minutes episodes, all to be filmed in the same location, we will most likely shoot in only two days, in the Bronx.

If interested, write to [address removed]

Thanks for your help.


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