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Please provide your input for some upcoming shows and events!

From: Michael
Sent on: Tuesday, February 21, 2012, 11:48 PM

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to drop a line to point out some shows we have sitting in the suggestions bin where we need a little input from those who would be interested in attending:


-Sarah Josz @ Club Passim, Friday, March 23rd - Help decide whether to attend the 7 pm or 9:30 show!

-The Magnetic Fields w/ Devotchka @ Berklee Performance Center - Help decide whether to attend the April 6th (Friday) or 7th (Saturday) show!

-Music Social, TBD - A general get together to discuss the music you love, share music, and talk about concerts you've been to. This is something a little different than what we normally do, would people be interested in this?


If you are interested in attending/have comments, don't respond to this email, please go to the event page for each show and let yourself be heard there. Thanks!

