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New Meetup: IA November Social - Tea Tasting

From: Sarah F
Sent on: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 9:46 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Indianapolis Ambassadors!

What: IA November Social - Tea Tasting

When: November 7,[masked]:00 AM

Tea's Me Cafe
140 East 22nd Street, Suite B
Indianapolis, IN 46202

We had a coffee tasting earlier this year and it got a lot of great reviews. With the weather switching to cooler temperature, come join us for a tea tasting. We will learn the difference between several types of teas, different pairings, and different origins of teas. The cost will be $10.00 for IA members and $13.00 for non-members. Email us at [address removed] if you are interested. You can mail in a check to the IA PO Box (address below), or pay Dan or Sarah at the General Meeting.

Indianapolis Ambassadors
PO Box[masked]
Indianapolis, IN[masked]

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