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New Meetup: Centro Citta Italian Language Meetup

From: Jeanette
Sent on: Thursday, January 14, 2010, 11:41 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The San Diego Centro Citt? Italian Language Meetup Group!

What: Centro Citta Italian Language Meetup

When: Monday, February 1,[masked]:00 PM

SoleLuna Cafe
702 Ash Street corner of 7th Ave. & Ash - Cortez Hill
San Diego, CA 92101

Ciao Amici,
Please join us on Monday, Feb. 1 at 7:00 pm for Italian Language meetup at SoleLuna in Cortez Hill. We welcome speakers of all skill levels; the only thing we ask is that speak in Italian--or try your best. You might surprise yourself! We have been meeting for over 6 years to speak our lingua preferita, help make year 7 the best yet!

SoleLuna has been very hospitable, accommodating, and supportive of our group and our love of the Italian language. This is a dining establishment, not a coffee shop. Please come prepared to order from the menu, whether it's one of their specialty Italian dishes, or antipasti, or salads, or desserts. They also offer a variety of coffees, wines, and have a full bar as well. Since Sole Luna has been an excellent host to us for more than 3 years--let's let them know how much we appreciate them by supporting their business. Here is a peek at their website: http://www.solelunaca....

In order to reserve at table at SoleLuna, an RSVP is required. It would be very helpful if you could respond before mid-day on the day of the meetup. If your plans change before the event, please change your response via the website or send an email to the organizer, grazie.

Ci vediamo presto!

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