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New Meetup: District 9

From: george d.
Sent on: Sunday, December 13, 2009, 6:44 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for JAVAFLIX Movie Discussion Group!

What: District 9

When: January 9,[masked]:30 PM

VCC Office and Cultural Center
4523 Springfield Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19143

JAVAFLIX is a movie discussion group that meets on the second Saturday of every month at VCC Office and Cultural Center.

Starting in January, we will also be meeting at Lovers & Madmen Coffee Loung every 3rd Tuesday(more details soon)

Together we watch a movie and then talk about it.

Movies chosen are based on members votes

This month we will be watching and discussing:

Director Neill Blomkamp teams with producer Peter Jackson for this tale of extraterrestrial refugees stuck in contemporary South Africa. Initially received by humans with compassion and care, the aliens are now mired in blighted conditions typical of long-term refugee camps unwanted by a hostile, host society.

You can watch the trailer here

Coming Soon:

January 19 at Lovers & Madmen (movie tbd)

February 13 - Lorna's Silence

Learn more here:

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