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Meditation Marathon

From: Christopher P.
Sent on: Thursday, December 2, 2010, 11:48 PM

I'm writing tonight to tell you about an important event I have coming up that is very close to my heart. As some of you know, meditation plays a major role in my life. Over the past 5 years, I have developed a practice that consists of about an hour of sitting every morning. This discipline started while I was studying Zen in Japan during college and has since been integrated with my training in Aikido as a way to become a more balanced and awake human being.

The community of people that I am engaged with from around world are dedicated to raising consciousness and evolving culture through the promotion of such spiritual practices as meditation. EnlightenNext, the global movement that I am referring to, for example is holding a 'Meditation Marathon' on December 12th as a way to increase people's awareness of the benefits of meditation while also serving as a fundraiser for the organization. As one of hundreds of people participating, I will be attempting to meditate for the entire 24-hour marathon (with short breaks of course) along with a few other brave souls! 

With hopes of being sponsored by friends and family, I will be participating in this 2nd annual event with a personal goal of raising $500 in donations. There is no charity closer to my heart so if you are interested in supporting my cause please make a small donation to my fundraising page at

On a side note, Andrew Cohen, the founder of EnlightenNext and my teacher, will be in a dialogue with Deepak Chopra moderated by Arianna Huffington on creating a Spiritually Inspired Future this Sunday, December 5th at 1:30pm EST in NYC. If you are interested, there will be a live broadcast of the event via the following link:

Christopher Porto

P.S. If you are interested in participating in the Meditation Marathon with others from the DC/Baltimore area, please refer to the flyer attached for more information!

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