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Re: [knit2togLouisville] Update!

From: Yumiko
Sent on: Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 3:50 PM
Hi Lindsey - 

I'm sorry I've been so inactive! Will definitely rejoin again once work gets less hectic. 

Wishing the group all the best, 

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Lindsey <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey everybody! I recently went through and cleaned out some inactive members (people who had never attended a meet-up and hadn't been on the page in at least 6 months). I hope no one took it personally or was offended, and everyone is welcome to rejoin if interested. I also made some updates to our group info and to the questions you'll be asked when you create your profile. Please update your profiles and answer the new questions! It's just for fun, but I thought the old questions needed to go since they only focused on knitting, and we are a group with a lot more spice than that. Thanks guys! Lindsey

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