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Orleans Parish School Board in Louisiana Voted to Ban Creationism from Their Schools

From: Scott R.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 10:42 AM

The Orleans Parish School Board in Louisiana just voted to ban Creationism from their schools. Since they are bound to get many angry letters from Christians, let us make a point to contact them and show our support of their decision to support science and to give the children a proper foundation to improve themselves, the Orleans Parish, Louisiana, and the United States as a whole and for serving as an model for what other school boards around the country should be doing. Please pass this information on to your membership and ask them to do the same. I want to flood them with congrats to counteract the angry theist letters and emails they are no doubt receiving.

Here are the school board members and their email addresses (I could not find and email address that goes to the board as a whole):

Ira H. Thomas Sr. – District 1

[address removed]

Cynthia Cade – District 2

[address removed]

Brett Bonin – District 3

[address removed]

Lourdes Moran – District 4

[address removed]

Seth Bloom – District 5

[address removed]

Woody Koppel – District 6

[address removed]

Thomas Robichaux – District 7

[address removed]

Here are just the email addresses if you choose to cut and paste so you can send one group mail to all of them:

[address removed], [address removed], [address removed], [address removed], [address removed], [address removed], [address removed]

This same request was sent out to the leadership of over 700 other freethought groups to pass on to their members. Let’s see what kind of response this group is capable of when it comes to fighting for science in our schools!


Thank you,

Scott Rhoades

President - Lancaster Freethought Society

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