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Photo Swapmeet

From: Mark C.
Sent on: Monday, January 9, 2012, 9:28 AM

Our friend Lynne Brown at P2 is sponsoring a photo swap meet on 1/21. Could be a good chance to unload some excess and find some deals! Check out the link and contact her for more info. 


Here are more swap meet details (see link). Let me know if you would like a table register for one on line or call me as soon as possible. They are available on a first come basis and earliest table reservations get spaces in studio A with best visibility. We have a lot of interest already! MTPPA and the Camera Shop have interest in being sponsors!

Please spread the word to all the photo / video / gear head folks you know. Will start advertising in the paper this weekend.

Look forward to hearing from you!


[address removed]