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Standard Library Survey

From: Alf M.
Sent on: Thursday, July 10, 2014, 6:15 PM
Hey everybody,

Jen Diamond's Rails Girls team would like to get your feedback on the Ruby Standard Library. Please see below!



Rails Girls Summer of Code is happening again, all around the world.

June 30th - September 26,2014

We Need the Help of the Los Angeles Ruby & Rails Community.

You will help us immensely just by answering this survey about your experience with the Ruby Standard Library:

P.S.- We don't see your name when we read the responses so feel free to leave it in the bottom box if you want. Thank you ahead of time. :) 

If you have any ideas or comments, if you know of a great open source REPL, if you just want to ask us more questions or give us advice please feel free to contact us at [address removed]

A little bit about RGSoC and the project...
Sixteen teams were chosen from all over the world. This year your 
Rails Girls Summer of Code Los Angeles Team is The Standard Librarians. You can follow their progress on their blog. Rails Girls Summer of Code will also be blogging and aggregating the blogs of all the teams involved. There are some really amazing projects being built and a lot of open source projects being contributed to. Check out the RGSoC blog.
The Standard Librarians will be creating an in-browser REPL for the Ruby Standard Library. The site will be able to be used for learning about the Ruby Standard Library on all levels, through experimentation and examples. It will be something like

The Team consists of 
RGSoC Core Team Members:
  Jen Diamond & Stephanie Betancourt
  Josh Loper
Coaching Company
  Pivotal Labs Los Angeles
  Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene and Konstantin Haase

The Rails Girls Summer of Code is about encouraging, motivating and helping newcomers to learn and eventually provide valuable, significant contributions to the Open Source Community.

Thank you again,

Jen Diamond, Stephanie Betancourt & Josh Loper

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