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Making our own wine!

From: Jacquelyn
Sent on: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 3:42 PM
Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own wine? At Grape Expectations you can! The first of it's kind facility in the State of Nevada, Grape Expectations is a "school" that takes you through all the steps (destemming, crushing, fermenting to casking and bottling) in a fun and rewarding atmosphere. At the end you will have fun memories, new knowledge, and quite a few bottles of your own private labeled wine!

There is a group of us that have decided to take on his adventure, and there is room for some more of you to join in. A couple of months ago we had our first meeting with Charlie (the owner), tasted MANY blends and voted for Syrah with Barbera. Our grapes have now been picked from central to northern California and the next step is to do some grape smashing! This will be in a week or two depending on availability.

Now, to join us in this 7 month process it will cost $125 for a case of your own wine. Any decisions that need to be made will be with the whole team. (like labeling, name of the wine, etc) Charlie is a fantastic teacher and loves his wine and life! He plans to do many events this season including an end of the wine making process party! Also we will be able to bring some snacks and wine while we work...not to bad!

If you are interested or have questions respond to this e-mail and it will come directly to me. For everyone who is already involved Charlie has an opening on Friday the 16th, or we may have to do early in the next week.

Time to make our wine...CHEERS! Jacquelyn[masked]

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