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Tuesday: Liberty Forum "Cops Say Legalize Drugs" w/LEAP

From: James B.
Sent on: Saturday, April 18, 2009, 8:10 AM
Hi Folks,

I hope you'll join us at the Inquirer Building Tuesday, April 20 for a  
frank discussion about the failed "war of drugs".

Retired Major Neill Franklin joins us from Law Enforcement Against  
Prohibition (LEAP). Major Franklin is a 32-year law enforcement  
veteran, retired from the Maryland State Police in 1999. During his  
time on the force he held the position of commander for the Education  
and Training Division and the Bureau of Drug and Criminal Enforcement.

Attached is a PDF flyer with more details. Feel free to print a copy  
for your local police department.

Doors open at 7:00 pm. The presentation begins at 7:30. Beverages at a  
nearby pub will follow.

Philadelphia Inquirer Building
Schuylkill River Road & 3rd Street
King of Prussia, PA 19406

Presented by the Montgomery County Libertarian Committee

I hope to see you there.


This email message originally included an attachment.