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Want to know how popular Gatewood is with the Ron Paul movement Nationally yet ignored locally??? Read the email from one of the organizers of the Greater Chicago Meetup

From: Keith R
Sent on: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 5:28 PM
I think after a quick read through most of you in the Lexington and Louisville groups will understand how big a move we would be making by getting Gatewood to run.


"Hi Keith,

Actually, I've never been to the place where the Chicago Ron Paul Meetup used to have their weekly meetings.  I live in a suburb of Chicago and I used to attend meetings in my neighborhood.  My suburban Ron Paul Meetup has been abandoned, and the Chicago Meetup doesn't have regular meetings anymore.  It has become more of an event-posting site.  Two small sub groups have been meeting regularly on Mondays & Wednesdays at the Public Library.

I'll e-mail the entire membership (almost 1,000) asking them to RSVP ASAP so I can get an idea of how big your audience will be, then I'll start working on a location.  Let's set it up as "Talk by Freedom Reclaimer, Galbraith Gatewood" for Monday, December 29th @ 6:00 p.m., (location pending).  I'll post links to Gatewood's You Tube videos.

I have your phone number programmed in my cell phone already.  I'm looking forward to this event!!  If we choose the Library, he can talk for 3 hrs.  It's an enclosed room and the Library closes at 9:00 p.m.
