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Leadership change -

From: user 7.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 3:56 PM

You may have noticed on the Meetup page for The Boston Area Libertarian Meetup Group that we have had a slight change of organization.? Dave Blau has stepped down as the Organizer, and I have taken his place, while making Dave an Assistant Organizer...? My name is Arthur Torrey, and I'm the Operations Facilitator for the LPMA - the one in charge of much of the "behind the scenes" activity.

This is mostly a 'paperwork' change - I still plan to let Dave do most of the work of organizing the group, planning meetings, and so on.? As far as I know, we won't be changing the time and place of our gatherings, or doing anything else that would impact your membership in the group.

So why did this happen?? Part of our policy is to spend our resources wisely and prudently.? Due to the way Meetup operates, if each group has a separate organizer, someone gets billed for each group.? However, one organizer can run several groups for the one fee.? I already run the Lowell Area / Route 495 Meetup group, and as the Operations Facilitator, it seemed reasonable to have me run both groups in order to save the LPMA resources for other tasks in working for freedom.

I probably won't make a lot of the Boston Group gatherings, but I do want to get to some, and hope to see everyone at some time.

In Liberty,


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