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RE: [linux-392] Ports

From: user 4.
Sent on: Friday, September 19, 2008, 1:01 PM

Send test e-mail message:  Outlook could not connect to the outgoing mail server (SMTP).  The problem could be your SSL or port settings for the outgoing server.  Verify your port and SSL settings under More Settings on the Advanced tab.


I checked.  I am using for smtp omail.domainname and the new port for SMTP.


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Varun Mehta
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 12:57 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [linux-392] Ports


What's the error message?

Varun Mehta

2008/9/19 Michele <[address removed]>

 I was told by everyone not to change smtp to another port to get around the fact that my ISP blocks outgoing mail on port 25.


So, what I gather is that I need to create a new named port for sending email, so I've picked a new port.


Then, I need to configure send mail to use that port.


I added to /etc/services:


oml       port#/tcp           omail

oml       port#/udp           omail


Then I added to the dns records


omail.domainname         A          ip address

Domainnae                    MX(10)  omail.domainname


However, when I try to connect to omail.domainname from Outlook I get an error.


Were there any other steps I need to create a new port to connect to?


So I'm guessing, I have to replace smtp with oml in my and files.


Is there anything else I have to do?


Is any of this wrong?


Will this work?




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