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Xin nian kuai le!

From: Dave S.
Sent on: Friday, January 1, 2010, 10:24 PM
x��n ni��n ku��i l�����
Happy New Year everyone!

I hope everyone's had a great Christmas and start to the New Year and I lookup forward to seeing you at meetups in 2010.

We have our first study meetup of 2010 on 13th January @ Dolphin Square (near Pmlico tube).

This month's topic is the New Year and the Chinese spring festival. For example:

  • Celebration of the New Year itself in UK & China (traditions, what *you* did)
  • New Year's resolutions (what they are, how to keep them, etc). I'm going to try and formulate my ��������������� (New Year's resolutions) in Mandarin, anyone else willing to give it a go?
  • Spring festival tradition

We'll also be having our regular meal meetup later in the month - Steve will post details.

We also have a couple of open polls concerning what days everyone prefers for the meetups. Please take a moment to cast your vote at:

Huasen has posted an answer to something that was puzzling us at the last study meetup: "how to say community spirit in Mandarin"
It would be great if any native speakers can add their thoughts�� to what Huasen has already posted.

As always if you have any topics for future study meetups or ideas for activities that you would like us to organise (or would like to organise yourself) please let us know either by�� direct email, this mailling list or the message board.



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