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35 spots now open - Making Public Data Public with and Using Mapping APIs with PHP

From: Nathan O.
Sent on: Monday, October 18, 2010, 3:14 PM
Hi London Web,

I've just opened 35 spots for this Thursday, if you haven't been in a while, why not RSVP here - we have a great new venue with our own bar staff and much more space than before:

Radisson Edwardian Kenilworth Hotel
97 Great Russell Street

The venue is very classy, and the location is just to the left (Freddie Murcury's right) tucked in behind Oxford Street and a couple of hundred meters from Tottenham Court Road tube exit. A HotelMap link is coming soon.

RSVP Here!

============ Details for this month are =============

We're excited to announce this months Awesome Speaker: Richard Stirling - who is the head of "Making Public Data Public" and

Before creating Richard worked on the
secretary for the Power of Information Taskforce. In that role he
created Show Us A Better Way, one of the first online competitions in
Public Services. Prior to joining Cabinet Office Richard worked in HM
Treasury where he was engaged in both tax and public spending policy.

Richard will be discussing an overview of the project since it's launch in January this year, and where he sees it

Also, speaking on mapping and geolocation using PHP, Derick Rethens will help you to understand more about embedding and calculating distances, map directions, plotting routes, and generally using the many mapping APIs available today.

See you this thursday!

Nathan O'Hanlon

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