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30 Spots Now Open - Pure by Yahoo - Responsive CSS Modules

From: Nathan O.
Sent on: Friday, November 15, 2013, 11:04 AM

Thursday next week, Yahoo will talk about their product, Pure.

Pure is a set of small responsive CSS modules that you can use in any web project.

The speaker is Riccardo Cocetta, a Front End Developer who works at Yahoo.

The talk will include:

  • A presentation of Pure features
  • A demo of the online tools such as Skin Builder, Layouts and Grid Builder
  • Some live coding examples


RSVP Here - Places will go very quickly!


A big thanks to our sponsors:

Yahoo - Speaking at London Web this month!

Form Recruitment - Form cover everything in digital, on a permanent and freelance basis.

Bazaarvoice - 10 billion pageviews / month and growing. Looking for great talent like you!

General Assembly - Full-time User Experience Design Immersive and Web Development Immersive courses

See you on Thursday!

Nathan O'Hanlon - @nathanlon

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