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I can help you find your drum.

From: Drumdoctor G.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 12:17 PM
Hello Drummers!

This is a note to members that may have an eye toward buying a drum. This Saturday is the HandMade & How Indie Art Show in Deforest. I will have my drums on display there, and I will be giving drum lessons all day. We will have some drums jams going on whenever people gather and wish to play for a while.

This will be the last public showing of my wares for this year, and I may be out of state for the greater part of next year too. So now is the time. Private arrangements are possible through December 3rd.

Please come out to the show and drum with us, and peruse the handcrafts of the many fine artists at the show. Art Show Link

Thank you, and see you there!


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