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***PLEASE READ*** HAITI RELIEF EFFORT Salsa Event Tuesday January 19 @ 45 Degrees martini Lounge

From: Shawn (DJ Mambo S.
Sent on: Friday, January 15, 2010, 4:04 PM
If you haven't heard, Haiti was devastated by 7.1 earthquake. Buildings were destroyed and hundreds of people were killed. The whole city is in darkness, you have thousands of people sitting in the streets with nowhere to go. Needless to say, I am deeply sadden by this major catastrophe and felt compelled to help out.

On Tuesday January 19, 2010 at 45 Degree Martini Lounge I am dedicating the night to the victims of Haiti by requesting admin fee. Cost of admin is open to what you want to donate. Money donated will go to World Vision Haiti Relief Fund. So come! Support our brothers and sisters in Haiti!

Thank you

Shawn aka DJ Mambo Soul