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New Meetup: Vancouver Mandarin Chinese Meetup: April 21 Downtown (Confucius Institute)

From: Cali
Sent on: Thursday, March 18, 2010, 9:13 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Vancouver Mandarin Chinese Meetup Group!

What: Vancouver Mandarin Chinese Meetup: April 21 Downtown (Confucius Institute)

When: Wednesday, April 21,[masked]:30 PM

Meeting fee: 50 cents per person

Confucius Institute at BCIT
555 Seymour Street 8th floor
Vancouver, BC V6B 3H6

Second Meetup of the month, downtown

We'll meet again at the Confucius Institute, which has offered to host our downtown Meetups once a month. The venue will be available as early as 6pm, even if the Meetup officially starts at 6:30pm. Meetup will have to end by 9pm.

When arriving, look for signs on the wall indicating the meeting room. We'll also work with the Institute to find a more "conversation-friendly way" to have tables and chairs.

Come talk, listen, discuss, learn...

Please make sure to show up for the meetup if you RSVP "yes".
See you there!
Ci zhi

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