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San Jose Meditation Meetup in the News!- How Meditation Has Changed my life

From: Brett J.
Sent on: Saturday, August 4, 2007, 7:48 AM
San Jose Meditation Meetup in the News!- How Meditation Has Changed my life


Another local paper is looking to do a story about the benefits of meditation and our weekly meditation group. Here's how you can help. If you have been inspired or had any positive life changes since you began meditating regularly please take a minute to post a brief summary of your experience on our message board at click here How meditation has changed my life. This is where the reporter will be looking for people to interview for the story

This posting is by far the most read post on our site. Newcomers to the group are always curious as to what they can expect from learning to meditate. If you've had any insights or gains since meditating your post may be just the thing that gives someone the inspiration or curiosity to check out meditation for themselves.

THanks for taking a few minutes out of your day to support our meditation community and making it a thriving space of peace and inspiration.

click here How meditation has changed my life

There's no place like "OM"


P.S. If you know anyone with contacts in the local media that might be interested in doing a healthy lifestyle/ human interest story about meditation please let us know. We would like to let the broader community know about our free weekly meditation and its benefits

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