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Standing room only for latecomers! A total of 58 "YES" RSVPs so far...

From: Nic M.
Sent on: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:11 PM
Hi All,

Standing room only for the latecomers tomorrow night! So, get there early! :)

A total of 58 "YES" RSVPs so far. Looks like we'll have to book the entire venue next month.

We'll be seated outside in the front beer "garden" facing Flinders Street. If you don't see a sign, ask for the tables reserved for Nic Mason at the main bar.

This purely social meeting is designed to bring designers, artists, business owners, and socialites new to Melbourne together. All levels of experience and drinking ability are welcome!

I look forward to seeing you there!


Voluntary Donation

A$2.00 a month

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  • PayPal
  • Cash or check

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  • Please contact your organizer for more details.

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