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What we’re about

We are a supportive writing group located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We take a community-based approach fostering a warm friendly environment for writers to explore their creativity. 

If you are an absolute beginner unsure of whether you can write or question your own capability, or a veteran writer needing inspiration or help with writer's block this is precisely where you need to be.  

We meet weekly to do prompt writing exercises together or to plan and work on our personal projects in a social writing session.

Believe in yourself, join us, make friends, and have a great time. Writing need not be a solitary activity.

Attendance & RSVP
Please keep your RSVP up to date. If you can't make it let the organizer know or change your RSVP to 'No' in advance. It is necessary for planning and running the group.

Membership Dues?
There are no membership dues. We do encourage an optional contribution to help cover our out-of-pocket costs; Meetup isn't free for Organizers. We recommend a minimum of $10 annually. Thanks.
