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Need your help with 2012 Meetup Ideas

From: Alex F.
Sent on: Thursday, December 22, 2011, 9:18 AM

Great seeing everyone last night!  I'm happy to say there were 20 of you present making it our biggest meetup to date.

As we go into 2012, our 3rd year for the meetup group, I'm looking forward to scheduling a larger number of meetups, using different formats, in even more venues. 

I need to know the following from you:

  • What topics in what format do you think would be worthwhile to schedule?  E.g. Formal presentation on Debugging Drupal, Informal Meet and Greet, etc.
  • Where should we do them?  We've moved around the area and had meetups everywhere from Southfield to Plymouth to Ann Arbor to Battle Creek.  I'd like to setup reoccurring meetings on the east side of the state, west side, and even Traverse City/Northern area if anyone's interested in helping host and coordinate.

Also, as a reminder, DrupalCamp Michigan videos are posted at




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