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How to get a free ticket to my next event!

From: Jeff M.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 2:39 PM
Hey members, as a friendly reminder, we need you
to RSVP if you have not, as a courtesy to our event
host who is hosting our meetup on Thur. Night -


Bill Ashton, at Jersey's Bar needs to make sure he's
got adequate staff to handle our group, so, with
short notice, it's kinda a scramble.

If you know you are coming, but not used the online
RSVP function, please do it now, it helps with our
planning and makes sure we keep Bill happy so he
knows if we'll all be there or a small group!

Half of the room is taken already, we got room for
about 30 more people!

By the way? Did you know that Bill's crackpot team
got the World Record in St. Paul over the summer at
the Red Bull Flugtag? Do you know what a Flugtag is?

Here is a link to the world record flight - It's very cool

I hear Bill's building a tribute at Jersey's to their record
holding flying machine! Maybe we'll get to see it?

Well, anyways - so - I do pretty huge internet marketing
events in the Twin Cities and Oct 22-24 is going to the
THE LAST ONE I do in Minnesota for a LONG TIME.

We call it the Boost Seminar and tickets are $97 for the
3 day event.

When you come to Jersey's on Thursday and ONLY on
Thursday (offer is not valid anyway else), you'll get a
special place to get a FREE ticket, not just for you, but...

Also for a FRIEND or Biz Partner!

So, you need to be here live to receive this, hope you can
make it!


See you all in a couple days - make sure you bring a bunch
of friends a long if they all want free tickets!

Jeff Mills
Co-Host Internet Marketing Mastermind

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