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Mostlygo event updates

From: Randy A.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 12:00 PM

Hey guys!

I've been somewhat out of touch recently with travel and work, but am happy to announce that Meetup HQ's new offices are ready for use by our group again on weekends, provided an employee (namely me) is there to open the doors and manage things.


With that, I've also made some changes to the event calendar of the group:


1) Starting 2 weeks from now, Fat Cat meetups will be ALTERNATING between Sunday and Saturday.

Fat Cat is very casual and great for our needs in cases where we just want to play and have fun, so I'd like to keep using them for that. The live music and drink selection are great too.

Making them alternate between Saturday and Sunday will let people have a chance to come if they only have one day of the weekend free.


2) When possible, probably once or twice a month, we'll meet somewhere (Meetup HQ perhaps, or somewhere else) to have some kind of workshop/study group/other event

Most of our meetups until very recently have been very unstructured. People come, play, have fun, leave.

I'd like to start building a more educational series of events in the future. Details will change over time, but I'm thinking of events where we get together and all study some go problems, or have a group workshop, or review someone's game record, etc. More discussing and helping each other, less staring silently at the board.

Having Fat Cat alternate Sat/Sun also lets us put these workshops on different days, also to help accommodate member's schedules.


We can collect a nominal fee for these events if we want and use the money to even pay for group lectures and other perks. With so many regular members gathered together, we can make lots of things happen.

Anyone with ideas on we should try, let me know.




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