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cece's birthday video

From: ZEO
Sent on: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 7:19 PM
As some of you may know I was trying to post the video I assembled for CeCe on YouTube but its being blocked due to the copy rights on the music I used. I tried posting on PhotoBucket but hit the same wall. Since the music was really appropriate for the imagery, and it's a hassle to change it now, I'd rather just burn copies on disc for anyone who wants it. It's about 7 minutes long and has riding to Cuba footage and in the restaurant/party footage with CeCe getting her gifts. It also contains rare photos of the now infamous "TEQUILA" dance as performed by
The Two Pee Wees (ZEO/David 43) inside El Bruno's. As an added bonus, this disc features the only know footage of The Rocketman doing his death-defying 'SUPERMAN" maneuver (look Ma, no hands, no feet) on his motorcycle at highway speeds...not to be missed!! You will be the proud owner of an AMRG/ZEO limited edition event DVD.

Please allow 5-7 days for delivery via U.S. mail.
To cover disc and postage please send $2.00 American dollars in an envelop, along with your return address to:

Peter Ingrassia
3391 La Ave. De San Marcos
Santa Fe NM 87507