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New Meetup: January monthly meetup

From: aquaone
Sent on: Sunday, January 3, 2010, 3:33 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Seattle Magic: The Gathering Meetup Group!

What: January monthly meetup

When: January 6,[masked]:00 PM

The Canterbury - Ales & Eats
534 15th Ave E
Seattle, WA 98112

This is not only the first Wednesday of the month... but the first Wednesday of the year. Time to make things interesting... There will be 3 small drafts this month rather than 1 big one (all attendance permitting): Zendikar, M10, and Mirrodin block. All drafts are first-come, first-serve so if you REALLY want in one specific draft, please be there promptly.

Mirrodin block draft details:
when: registration at 7:00, draft starts ~7:30
where: entry area
size: 6-8 players*
format: booster draft, 3 round Swiss
cost: $20 entry**
sanctioned: yes, DCI
prizes: Duel Deck for 1st, WPN promo foils, signed cards, Mirrodin block packs

Zendikar draft details:
when: registration at 7:00, draft starts ~7:30
where: entry area
size: 6-8 players*
format: booster draft, 3 round Swiss
cost: $15 entry**
sanctioned: yes, DCI
prizes: WPN promo foils, signed cards, packs

M10 draft details:
when: registration at 7:00, draft starts ~7:30
where: side room or back room (wherever there is space)
size: 6-8 players*
format: booster draft, 3 round Swiss
cost: $15 entry**
sanctioned: yes, DCI
prizes: WPN promo foils, signed cards, packs

There will be some players available for casual play and trading as well so come by even if you don't want to draft. If there are any cards you're particularly looking for, please post in the forums so that players can pull them from their collections and bring them with them.

As with all weeks, some people arrive early, starting at 5:00 pm. If you can make it earlier, feel free to show up and get your game on a little early. Things tend to really get rolling around 7:00 though.

The Canterbury is all ages... until 9:00 pm. If you are under the age of 21, it may be best not to draft, as they generally run until 11:00 or later. Additionally, I'd like to avoid any awkwardness in being asked to leave when it's late.

* player limits will have to be enforced, both minimum and maximum. There's only so much seating and product.
** you can trade me cards for entry if you can't afford fees. talk with me first though before assuming giving me something is OK.

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