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Art show and movie at Plaza Theatre 7/1/08

From: mary
Sent on: Sunday, June 22, 2008, 2:23 AM
KLEAR YOUR KALENDAR FOR KILLER KLOWNS!!! AND AN ART SHOW?.at the Plaza Theatre on Ponce. I was debating whether or not to send this posting to you guys. I decided I should. To entice you, I made the posting a variety of circus colors to go with the clown theme. The last couple times we had a meetup here, only 2-3 of us showed up. Now that our group is larger I hope a few more folks will come out. This is Atlanta's true independent theater (Midtown Art Cinema is a national chain- though not a bad thing). Did you know the Plaza (c 1939) is Atlanta's oldest continously operating movie house? Maybe we could go to the greasy spoon next door for a bite to eat before or after- I've never eaten at the Majestic.

Event details:

Of note: Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation (96 min) is playing at the Plaza June 20-26 . The Roll Yer Own indie animation fest (local filmmakers) will play for free one night 6/25 8pm at the Five Spot on Euclid in L5P. Is anyone going?

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